Patented scale management system for eas...
Close humidity control up to +/-1%RH
Can be used with RO water for low mainte...
"Cold water pool" prevents water inlet a...
Latest touch screen control technology
NEW High energy efficiency with optional...
Large steam outputs with the economy of ...
Can used mains, RO or softened water
Large flat surfaces on heat exchanger fo...
Water conductivity management for reduce...
Uses a building's existing steam supply
High capacity up to 1,000kg/h
Operates at up to 4bar
Ceramic rotary valve 0-100% modulation
Patented steam lance without the need fo...
Up to four times shorter evaporation tha...
Patented inner nozzles guarantee dry ste...
Uniform steam distribution across the du...
Stainless steel construction for long op...
Efficient low-pressure systems for signi...
Intuitive touch controller allows perfec...
100% hygiene guarantee
a unique, trusted hygiene standard
Can supply multiple AHUs from one pump s...
Low energy, high capacity humidification...
High quality stainless steel construction
Oil-free high pressure pump with 8,000 h...
Hygienic operation with UV sterlization ...
High humidification & cooling duties fro...
Very low energy consumption
Instant evaporation requiring very short...
In-duct or externally mounted hydraulic ...
Up to seven-stage control as standard
Low energy evaporative humidification wi...
Removable water tanks with castors for e...
Provides humidity control and air purifi...
Digital control panel with integral humi...
Can be plumbed-in for continuous operation
Large removable 30L water tank with cast...
Climatech is registered under Manakhat Trd Co
We will help you grow towards your archivements
Office No. 110, Albabtain Commercial Building, Olaya Street, Riyadh
+966 11 217 0020 / +966 56 940 0533
Made with NIQAT